The Great Morel Information Exchange – Facebook Group

The Great Morel would like to introduce you to our fledgling The Great Morel Information Exchange Facebook Group, dedicated to all those who share the love of hunting morel mushrooms.  The Great Morel started this group to encourage a higher level of interaction with those who serious (or seriously crazy) morel mushroom hunters. The Great Morel web page was built on the foundation of sharing knowledge from those who visit, and this philosophy should carry over in this new platform.

Head on over and visit the Group and request an invite – it is that simple.


The Great Morel Information Exchange  Guidelines and Rules:

The guidelines and rules to help make this group awesome are pretty simple.

  1. This group is for intended for morel enthusiast who have a passion and love for hunting morels. Share your knowledge, learn from others, and interact with those who share your passion.
  2. Be kind to others.  Please do not insult, badger or harass any of the members of this group.
  3. No individual promoting of any products and/or services to other members of the group. Promote your knowledge, and engage with those who share their love in this spring pastime.
  4. Related images, and links to other sites are permitted but will be monitored.

Pretty simple rules, however, any member found to be in violation of these rules and guidelines will be blocked without question.

Let’s make this fun!

The Great Morel Information Exchange Facebook Group


* Membership to the Facebook Group – The Great Morel Information Exchange is by requested invitation only.  The Great Morel reserves the right to grant and/or revoke membership to this group.



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