Morel Mushroom Links
The Great Morel is proud to provide this extensive listing of morel links and mushroom related link directory. It is recommended that all shroomers – rookies and veterans visit some of these great morel mushroom sites. Some are very informative with some great images and resources. You’ll find all types of information on these links…join clubs, gather scientific data, purchase morels, check weather and soil conditions and much more. If you have a morel related page that is worth sharing, contact The Great Morel and we’ll get it listed.
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Miscellaneous Links
- Big Billy Kinder Outdoors – BBKO RADIO NETWORK Big Billy Kinder Outdoors is an outdoor talk radio show produced by Kinder Productions, Inc. and hosted by Bill Kinder, 45 year radio veteran. Bill Kinder and his wife, Robin began their new company, Kinder Productions, Inc. in the summer of 2009 with the desire to produce an entertaining and informative outdoor talk radio show unlike any on the air. Great site for morel hunters and outdoor enthusiasts of all kind! The Great Morel was proud to be a guest contributor in 2018 on morel hunting.
- Curative Mushrooms – a great web site about discovering the amazing health benefits that mushrooms have on the body. With the goal to share information about hunting, growing and cooking mushrooms that taste amazing with as many people as possible. There are also supplements for people who just want to get straight to the source of the benefit. Lots of good stuff and worthy of a visit. (link added in 2020)
- Missouri Department of Conservation Mushroom Hunting – A general source of information about mushroom hunting in Missouri. Also they have a good page specifically for Missouri morel information.
- Spring Morels and False Morels of Midcontinental U.S. – a fantastic white paper by Donald M. Huffman and Lois H. Tiffany on identifying morels. ” ….Thirteen of the more common species of these sponge mushrooms are described and discussed. These fungi are recommended to undergraduate biology teachers for use as an introduction to taxonomic keys and the traditional and modern concepts of species. Photographs illustrate the distinctions between edible and toxic mushrooms. A taxonomic key and descriptions of the species are provided. (a PDF viewer is required)
- Ecology and Management of Morels Harvested From the Forests of Western North America – another great white paper published by the US Forest Service, which is a great scientific piece with a tremendous amount of technical information.
- Dave Fischer’s Marvelous Mushroom Web site – Dave is a nationally known expert on the ecology and identification of wild mushrooms. This site is packed with information plus Dave is the author of two nationally known publications.
- NMMHA – National Morel Mushroom Hunters Association – Facebook page for the National Morel Mushroom Hunters Association Home Page. Mission: To Provide you with first hand information on just about everything.
- Michigan Morels – Northern Michigan – get weather information and the latest reports. Also has a great section on morel identification.
- The Mushroom Journal – For 19 years, Mushroom the Journal has provided information of value to those who like to hunt, name, cook, study and photograph wild mushrooms.
- The Forager’s Wild Food Field Guide – An online Field Guide to Morels, Chanterelles, Black Trumpets, Porchini and Hen of the Woods. Lots of recipes and links and reviews of field guides.
- Wildman Steve Brill – Learn about edible and medicinal wild plants and mushrooms, nature and ecology with New York’s Best-Known Naturalist, “Wildman” Steve Brill. Great site with pictures, stuff for sale, and recipes.
- The Mushroom Hunter – Hunting mushrooms and wild food enthusiast. This is a good on morels and various other types of mushrooms. Images, edible listings.
- The Fungal Jungal – also plays Home of the Western Montana Mycological Association. Mushroom & Fungi Identification and Information and to quote their mission statement…”Our mission: To further educate people about fungi, edible and otherwise, To encourage sustainable and responsible mushroom harvest, and preserve mushroom habitat.“
- Don Jordan’s Inside Outdoors – An outdoors and nature page that has a lot of good links, and articles.
- The Mushroom Information Center – service of the U.S. Mushroom Industry, this site explores the fascinating world of fresh mushrooms. It supplies in-depth information about the ever-popular White mushroom, Portabella, Crimini, Shiitake, Oyster, and more. Here, you will find hundreds of wonderful ways to use mushrooms. Limited Morel Information.
- – The place where you can view, upload, publish and download videos related to Morel Mushrooms including your personal videos. It’s not just videos, you can upload and show off your photos too. Oh, did we mention it is all free? Very interesting concept and worth going and visiting.
- Crazy about Mushrooms – a mushroom blog by Anna – “Anna is a writer, mushroom hunter, and mycological educator who writes a blog about Kingdom Fungi and the human encounter with mushrooms. Anna presents at nature centers, festivals, conferences, and other educational venues. Anna’s lectures and workshops reveal the inner workings of fungal ecology, gourmet mushroom cultivation, and the rich folk traditions of using mushrooms as food and medicine.”
- Mushroom Appreciation – a blog site dedicated to mushrooms of all kind. “a repository of fungal information” a really nice site with a blog, stories, news, recipes, articles and much more! Well worth the visit. (added March 2010)
- Truffle Dog Company – Truffle Dog Company is a global source for online truffle dog training, native truffle sales, harvesting services for orchards, consultation services and in person training for professional and recreational truffle dog teams.
- Eugenia Bone – a world renowned mycologist who’s influence in mycology and the world of mushrooms is on display at her website. She also has a web site called Mycophilia where all her work is on display. Both sites are well worth clicking on and spending some time. (link added in 2020)
- The Great Morel’s Social Media Platforms – places where shroomers can exchange information, pictures, knowledge and dialog with other morel hunters.
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Research and Scientific Links
- The Science of Morel Mushrooms – The Great Morel introduces you to the science behind the morel mushroom. Digging in to the details of how mycologist and morel enthusiasts are helping all of us have a better understanding of the morel mushroom.
- Mushroom-Expert.Com – a newly established project at MushroomExpert.Com, dubbed the “Morel Data Collection Project.” In consultation with several prominent mycologists, designed the project as a way for the scientists to gather the crucial data they need in order to answer the many as-yet unanswered questions regarding morels.
- Morel Mushroom Evolution – Morel mushrooms are the focus of Gary Novak’s laboratory research. This is a fantastic site compiled by researcher Gary Novak, in which he brings his vast amount of research together. Very informative and interesting. Not only for those interested in the science, but those seeking a better understanding of the morel mushroom as well.
- Spring Morels and False Morels of Midcontinental U.S. – a fantastic white paper by Donald M. Huffman and Lois H. Tiffany on identifying morels. ” ….Thirteen of the more common species of these sponge mushrooms are described and discussed. These fungi are recommended to undergraduate biology teachers for use as an introduction to taxonomic keys and the traditional and modern concepts of species. Photographs illustrate the distinctions between edible and toxic mushrooms. A taxonomic key and descriptions of the species are provided.”Note from The Great Morel: this white paper is such a great piece, that it can be read by clicking this link as well. (a PDF viewer is required)
- Cascade Mycological Society (CMS) – was created by a collective effort of people who share a common interest in and appreciation for the Kingdom of Fungi. In order to focus our fungal fascination, we have formed an educational non-profit [501(c) 3] organization dedicated to the study and enjoyment of fungi.
- Tom Volk’s Fungi – Department of Biology and Microbiology University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
- Mike’s Mycological Museum – page devoted to mycology and mushrooming. Lots of information!
- New Jersey Mycological Association – A non-profit organization whose aims are to provide a means for sharing ideas, experiences, knowledge and common interests regarding fungi, and to furnish mycological information and educational materials to those who wish to increase their knowledge about mushrooms. A great web site for all!
- The Mycological Society of America – “is a scientific society dedicated to advancing the science of mycology – the study of fungi of all kinds including mushrooms, molds, truffles, yeasts, lichens, plant pathogens, and medically important fungi.”
- The WWW Virtual Library: Mycology – “These pages summarize internet resources of interest to mycologists (biologists who study fungi). Choose your favorite topic in the directory below or try the big hairy INDEX.” And a very BIG index for reference is right!
- Ecology and Management of Morels Harvested From the Forests of Western North America – another great white paper published by the US Forest Service, which is a great scientific piece with a tremendous amount of technical information.Note from The Great Morel: this link was contributed by David who wrote – “I would like to direct the Morel community to a site that I know they need to read. I have been picking for many years and this site will answer alot of their questions and also spark alot of conversation.”
- FungiFlora – John has been studying fungi for fun since his late teens after becoming aware of his local Psilocybe species Now, at age 25, he would now like to distribute and curate mycological knowledge to audiences of all types. Surely not an expert, he still believes mycology doesn’t have to be an inaccessible field, hence this blog. Several guest video blogs from truffles to ink caps,
- Identifying Morels and False Morels– another great page on the morel mushroom with the focus on the edible and poisonous aspects. Another “Must See” site for veterans and rookies alike!
- Curative Mushrooms – a great web site about discovering the amazing health benefits that mushrooms have on the body. With the goal to share information about hunting, growing and cooking mushrooms that taste amazing with as many people as possible. There are also supplements for people who just want to get straight to the source of the benefit. Lots of good stuff and worthy of a visit.(link added in 2020)
- Eugenia Bone – a world renowned mycologist who’s influence in mycology and the world of mushrooms is on display at her website. She also has a web site called Mycophilia where all her work is on display. Both sites are well worth clicking on and spending some time. (link added in 2020)
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Morel Gifts, Art, Fresh and Dried Morels, and other stuff for Sale Links
- The Great Morel Store – The Great Morel Store is your place to get your morel gear. Hiking sticks, shirts, hats, antler carvings, morel candle sets, and some great gift ideas for the morel enthusiast. Everything morel including some cool puzzles.
- MorelMasters – This site is a personal favorite of The Great Morel for many reasons. Are you to lazy or not enough time to go out and pick your own morels? Then visit this page come spring time and find them the easy way…order them! (note: The Great Morel has received very positive and favorable feedback from consumers who have dealt with the MorelMasters.)
- Foraged – More than just morels, Foraged is the mecca for mushroom enthusiasts like us. Head to Foraged to discover a huge variety of wild mushrooms, cultivated gourmet mushrooms, mushroom growing supplies, mushroom products, and masterclasses taught by experts in the field. Know where your mushrooms come from, choose from the widest product variety, and enjoy the convenience of online shopping and home delivery. Don’t miss out on morel season — support our hunter community and American small businesses, and buy direct with Foraged. Explore the real Forest-to-Table Marketplace.
- Pieces of Jayde Elemental Jewelry she uses pure, recycled copper to encase the object and create a lasting piece of wearable art. Often combining the plating with wire wrapping, Jayde’s jewelry is meant to be worn as a talisman to your spirit animal, a memento of an unforgettable vacation, and an homage to the beauty of Nature.
- Morels: The Hunt – Abrams Studios – Abrams Studios is small Indie video game studio made up of four brothers from Indiana. They are the creators of the video game Morels: The Hunt. It is an immersive gaming experience about mushroom hunting and photography while being surrounded in a beautiful, interactive nature and wildlife setting spanning across the United States. It is currently available for PC. They are working on bringing the game to Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and VR.
- FungusAmongUs Gourmet Mushrooms – has a line of dried cultivated and gourmet mushrooms. Offers a variety of dried mushrooms including morels, dried truffles, organic dried soup mixes, seasonings, marinades and rubs. Offers, both wholesale and retail sales with secure on-line shopping.
- Marie Heerkens Mushroom Art Gallery – Marie Heerkens, is a professional artist, award-winning nature photographer, and modern revision author/illustrator of The Field Guide to Mushrooms. She also is internationally known among mycologists and mushroom enthusiasts for her mushroom artwork. She is especially recognized for her exquisite Ganoderma artwork. Marie draws and paints using a variety of media, including watercolors, gouache, acrylic and oil paints, pastels, pen and ink, charcoal, and graphite.
- Oregon Mushrooms – Fresh and dried morels straight from Oregon. Don’t feel like waiting till spring, then check out this site too. Oregon Mushrooms has been selling morels since 1999.
- FungiPhoto – you have to see this….Mushroom Stock Photo Catalogue and Gallery with some of the most fantastic photographs produced by Taylor Lockwood. A must site to visit.
- Michigan Mushrooms – a company specializing in the Import & Export of wild mushrooms for the wholesale food service industry.
- FungiArt – shows a slide show of mushroom pictures with paragraphs about mushrooms and mushroom art.
- Zurich Mushroom Society – This is a Swiss site with links to morel related sites. If you are hunting morels in central Europe, this is a great site.
- MycoBag.Com – Your Internet resource for mycological bag products. is the authorized North American distributor of autoclavable spawn bag products. Filter patch, gusseted autoclavable spawn bags are a staple product for any type of edible, gourmet, or medicinal mushroom growing operation.
- The Gilded Fork – Food Philosophy, Sensuality and Sass. What does this have to do with morels? Take a look and you’ll find a recipe or two using morels in a very unique way. A very interesting site and a must see for the shroomer who not only loves to cook morels, but enjoys the finest in cuisine.
- Morelscapes – A site featuring “Morelscapes” by Don Huber. Offers customers limited edition Morelscapes and various different morel products and gifts.
- Fungi Perfecti – Fungi Perfecti® is a family-owned, environmentally friendly company specializing in using gourmet and medicinal mushrooms to improve the health of the planet and its people. Leaders in a new wave of technologies harnessing the inherent power of mushrooms and fungal mycelium worldwide. Great site for those thinking of personal cultivation, with books, kits, and more!
- Buy Morels! – Home of the The Morel Habitat Kit® for growing your own patch. Other products include gourmet flavored olive oils, herbs, gourmet foods, and mushrooms posters for sale also.
- Fotosearch Stock Photography – Foto Search Stock Photography allows users to search the thousands of pictures of mushrooms all at one site. There are thousands more images of other food related items. More than 1130 Mushrooms pictures and photos available to download from over 50 stock photography vendors.
- Gourmet Mushrooms and Mushroom Products – according to their web site: “GMHP has been providing unique Mushroom growing kits and other quality products to the public for 15 years. Our Mushroom Log growing kits were developed and are produced specifically for mushroom cultivation in your home. However, we also carry Gourmet Flavored Olive Oils as well as Herbs, Gourmet Foods, Flowers and Mushrooms Posters“
- Pacific Rim Mushrooms – “We supply the world with great tasting wild mushrooms and other forest products from the beautiful west coast of Canada and the United States.” Wholesale supplier of mushrooms: wild, dried or fresh to your door from Vancouver, BC, Canada. Order online or call.
- – a retail site with books, videos, gifts, cultures and more relating to a wide variety of fungus. For those looking to cultivate, hunt, cook and learn more on mushrooms, you will some sort of media here.
- Charting Nature – offers mushroom art prints, note cards, posters and books. Also, find fish, birds and botanical prints.
- Can Stock Photo Can Stock Photo has many stunning morel and mushroom photos. Professional royalty free stock photography comes at prices
you can afford with high-quality images start at just $1.00. - FotoSearch Stock Photo Stock Photography and Stock Footage
- Morel Stories Home of the ‘Morel O’Meter’ line of morel home decor.
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Morel Clubs, Organizations and Festivals
- NAMA, the North American Mycological Association – NAMA, the North American Mycological Association, is a non-profit organization of amateur and professional mycologists with more than 60 affiliated local mycological clubs throughout North America. NAMAs mission is “to promote, pursue, and advance the science of mycology.
- MykoWeb’s listing of Amatuer clubs – North American Mycological Societies list of the amateur mushroom clubs in North America. If you can’t find what you are looking for on The Great Morel, then check this out.
- Boyne City Morel Mushroom Festival (Michigan) – a morel mushroom festival information web site. Celebrating its 50th year in 2010.
- Mesick Area Chamber of Commerce (Michigan) – Rolling hills & scenic views, all nestled in the Summit of Lower Michigan, bring you this annual festival.
- Los Angeles Mycological Society (CA) – LAMS is a non-profit group whose purpose is to foster and expand the understanding and appreciation of mycology (that is the study of mushrooms and fungi).
- Mycological Society of San Francisco (CA) – The Mycological Society of San Francisco is a non-profit corporation formed in 1950 to promote the study and exchange of information about mushrooms. (North America’s largest local amateur mycological association)
- Sonoma County Mycological Association (CA) – A nonprofit, educational society, dedicated to the mystery and appreciation of the local fungi.
- Fungi-zette Newsletter (CA) -These newsletters are published about twice a year from Greenville, California, and, except for a few special issues, cover mushrooms from around that area.
- Mycological Association of Washington (DC) – The Mycological Association of Washington DC (MAW) is a nonprofit association whose purpose is to share a reliable body of knowledge regarding fungi.
- Kaw Valley Mycological Society (KA) – The KVMS was founded in 1986 as an association of those interested in mushrooms, especially in Kansas.
- Boston Mycological Club – The oldest amateur mycological club in North America. Founded in 1895.
- Colorado Mycological Society (CO) – The Colorado Mycological Society is about people with such diverse interests as socializing, hiking, nature study, photography, and edible wild foods. These people, however, have a common focus which is an interest in learning more about wild mushrooms.
- New Jersey Mycological Association – A non-profit organization whose aims are to provide a means for sharing ideas, experiences, knowledge and common interests regarding fungi, and to furnish mycological information and educational materials to those who wish to increase their knowledge about mushrooms.
- Central New York Mycological Society (NY) – The Central New York Mycological Society was founded in about 1980 as in informal not-for-profit, educational group of academicians and hobbyists.
- Long Island Mycological Club (NY)Susquehanna Valley Mycological Society (NY) – The Susquehanna Valley Mycological Society (S.V.M.S.) is a non-profit organization and was founded in 1992 by ten people in the south central New York State region who had a common interest in mushrooms. Over a decade later, our club is thriving and our membership fluctuates between seventy and ninety members each year.
- Cascade Mushroom Society (OR) – was created by a collective effort of people who share a common interest in and appreciation for the Kingdom of Fungi. In order to focus our fungal fascination, we have formed an educational non-profit [501(c) 3] organization dedicated to the study and enjoyment of fungi.
- North American Truffling Society (OR) – the North American Truffling Society is a non-profit organization based in Corvallis, Oregon, that brings together amateurs and professionals who are interested in hypogeous (belowground) fungi. The mission of NATS is to enhance the scientific knowledge of North American truffles and truffle-like fungi, and promote educational activities related to truffles and truffle-like fungi.
- Oregon Mycological Society (OR) – The purpose of the Oregon Mycological Society is to study, collect and identify fungi; to educate members and the public in fungi identification; and to promote health & safety in the gathering and consumption of fungi.
- Eastern Penn Mushroomers – A club dedicated to the study and enjoyment of wild mushrooms.
- Cercle des Mycologues de Montréal (Canada) – site is in french for those french speaking mushroom enthusiasts.
- Edmonton Mycological Society (Canada) – The Edmonton Mycological Society is a non-profit organization in 1987 and currently has about 140 active members from across Alberta.
- Mycological Society of Toronto (Canada) – brings you in contact with veteran mycologists, both amateur and professional, who gladly share their knowledge and steer you in the right direction with tips on when and where to find the best mushrooms, how to avoid being poisoned and what books are best for beginners to use.
- South Vancouver Island Mycological Society (Canada) – SVIMS is a small society interested in all aspects of mycology and mushroom appreciation.
- Vancouver Mycological Society (Canada) – The VMS is a group of individuals who share a common interest in mushrooms and fungi.
- Kitsap Peninsula Mycological Society (WA)
- Palouse Mycological Association (WA) – The goal of our association is to provide opportunities for our members to gain a better understanding of mushrooms and related fungi through forays, presentations and fungal feasts.
- Puget Sound Mycological Society (WA) – an organization of people interested in mushrooms and mushrooming, which provides support and encouragement for research, education, cultivation, hunting, identifying, and cooking mushrooms.
- Snohomish County Mycological Society (WA)
- Northeast Mycological Federation – NEMF is the Northeast Mycological Federation, informally conceived in 1976 at a foray attended by people from Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey and New York.
- Morel Mushroom Hunting Club – a unique club, including chat, monthly newsletters, and more. Membership site with some non-membership pages.
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Links relating to Weather, Soil and Precipitation, and Trees
A collection of sites that may help you in determining the correct conditions for your morel expedition. You’ll find maps relating to weather, soil conditions, soil moisture and The Great Morel’s current ‘Sightings’ map. All of this just for those of you who wish to aynalize to the deepest of levels in an effort to find the ever-elusive Great Morel.
- The Trees of the Morel – Understanding and identifying the trees of the morel is discussed in this blog post. Morel hunters take pride in their ability to identify trees and other foliage while searching for morels. This article by The Great Morel helps new and seasoned morel hunters in the tree identification process.
- The Great Morel Sightings – Map compiled by The Great Morel showing confirmed reported findings for the current year and years past.
- US Department of Agriculture Crop Explorer – United States Department of Agriculture’s Crop Explorer web site has a very wide range of maps for weather, precipitation forecast, and soil conditions.
- US Department of Agriculture Foreign and Regional maps – United States Department of Agriculture’s Foreign and Regional web site has a wide range of maps for weather and soil conditions. search by geographical location all around the world.
- GreenCast Online – GreenCastOnline offers this nice soil temperature map.
- NOAA – National Weather Service – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service is a product of the National Digital Forecast Database, produced by NOAA’s National Weather Service. Lots of maps for all kinds of weather related topics.
- NOAA – Climate Prediction Center – The Climate Prediction Center’s has a series of maps showing most recent day, monthly and 12 months calculated soil moisture, anomalies and percentiles; 25-year average soil moisture & soil wetness that are used in the soil moisture outlook.
- OPLIN Tree Identification – The Ohio Public Library Information Network brings you this great site to help you identify trees. Tress you ask? Well, here you go. Great site too!
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- As of the last check the following sites below are not working. If you know the correct or new address of any of these sites please let advise and The Great Morel will put them back as active sites.
- Chokolate Morel Restaurant How fitting a name…Chokolate Morel is located at the corner of Mason Montgomery Road and Route 42 in the heart of Historic Mason Ohio. Also host of the Morel Festival, Morel recipe contest and morel collection contest. Check it out.
- Mushroom – is a meeting place for every one involved in the mushroom industry, growers to substrate producers, scientist to mushroom sales, from white button mushrooms to specialty, medical, and wild mushrooms. The purpose of this site is to exchange information, to increase co-operation, for the benefit of all sectors of the industry. is a page that has been set-up by grower’s, composters and scientist who would like to see more co-operations
in the industry.
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