De-Mystifying the Morel Mushroom

“What’s up with this thing called a morel mushroom?”

We can’t begin to count the number of times morel hunters are asked this question. Without a doubt, the most seasoned morel hunter will be eager to answer this question at the drop of the hat and would deliver an earful of expertise and information within minutes. They love to share their insights and thoughts on morel hunting – with the exception of their “honey hole.” The Great Morel is going to help demystify the morel mushroom and give you a better understanding of this often elusive fungi.

Even the self-proclaimed “greatest morel hunter ever” would admit to the mystery and mystique of this often-unpredictable fungi.

Yet for the “newbie” just arriving to the scene, morel hunting can be an overwhelming venture – rightfully so. There’s so much to learn and take in and so many variables. Even the self-proclaimed “greatest morel hunter ever” would admit to the mystery and mystique of this often-unpredictable fungi.

If you are new to this spring pastime – fear not for these seasoned veteran hunters are willing to share their knowledge and guide you in the right direction to get you started with some success. Regardless of one’s level of so-called ‘expertise”, morel hunters everywhere are known for sharing their techniques, tips and theories. There are many of you nodding your head right now, admit it.

Morel hunters have theories and lots of them. You can bet that, even when foraging out in the woods, a group of seasoned morel hunters share personal knowledge among each other. They’ll likely ramble on about current weather cycles, how the sun hits a hill, the composition of the landscape, or the types of trees.


Morel hunting is learned through trial and error, endured through some glorious success and unyielding failure. Prior to the hunt, a hunter is constantly attempting to analyze the weather (temperature and moisture), the woods, the trees, and the timing; after each hunt.  They’ll walk out of the woods now analyzing their success and failures, mentally rationalizing their notions of why.

Over the last twenty years, The Great Morel has been built on the vast knowledge and contributions of a community of self-proclaimed “greatest morel hunters ever.” Our goal and duty has always been to consolidate this shared knowledge within this site in an effort to help everyone, from the novice to the experienced, demystify the morel.

The Frequently Asked Questions page is loaded with a list of commonly asked questions and is great resource for newbies and seasoned hunters alike. Everything from cultivating techniques to the life cycle of the morel can be found here. Check out the Growth and Life-cycle page for some semi-scientific studies to enlighten and educate you on how morels grow. Explore the Sightings to see when they’ve been spotted in your region or tag your own sightings. From Stories and Tales to Tips & Ideas, we invite you to explore our site and hear from the first-time forager to “greatest morel hunter ever.”

In the small window of opportunity that comes each spring, we get to celebrate and share this common bond of our love of hunting morels.

In the small window of opportunity that comes each spring, we get to celebrate and share this common bond of our love of hunting morels. It always comes with the hope of a better year than the past but mostly it is about the joy of searching for the ever-elusive great morel.

The Great Morel leaves you with this – share your knowledge and share the joy of this euphoric and often unexplainable spring pastime!



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